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Follow these steps to play Wii console games on your laptop:


Step 1: Open your browser

Step 2: Type in the URL bar.

Step 3: You will find a button with the name "Download Dolphin 'Version' for Windows, Mac and Linux"

Step 4: Find the section named 5.0-14095, then click Windows x64.

Step 5: Then you will find a 7z file downloading.

Step 6: Use 7Zip or WinRAR to open the file.

Step 7: Extract the 7Zip file in any directory, its your choice.

Step 8: Find the extracted files, and open Dolphin.exe or Dolphin_x64.exe

Step 9: Minimize the .exe file and open Google Chrome.

Step 10: Go to or just search Vimm's Lair Wii

Step 11: Search for the game you want then click on it.

Step 12: Then you'll find the download button and the magnet button [you might not find the magnet button for all games] and you'll find a box called .nkit.iso, click on that box and select .wbfs .

Step 13: Click on the download button, then you'll get another 7z file. Wait patiently for it to download, as Wii games take up a lot of space.

Step 14: Extract the 7z file using WinRAR or 7Zip.

Step 15: Return to Dolphin.exe [Dolphin] and click on controllers.

Step 16: On the top you'll find Gamecube controllers, make them all none and in the bottom you'll find Wii remotes, make Wii Remote 1 "Emulated Wii Remote" and press configure to Change Wii Remote buttons with keyboard buttons.

Step 17: Close the controllers window, click on the File Menu, then click on Open...

Step 18: Go to the folder where you extracted the 7z Game.

Step 19: Click on The File: 'Your Game Name' (USA) (Rev 2).wbfs

Step 20: And Voila! Use your configured Remote buttons to play the game.


Useful links:

WinRAR: Download Me!

7Zip: Download Me!

Vimm's Lair [Wii]: Use Me!

Dolphin: Download Me!

Google Chrome: Download Me!

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